parse authorization headers in rust

To parse the Authorization header in Rust, first, we need to extract it from the HTTP request headers. We can use the headers crate to achieve this.

Here is an example code snippet to parse the Authorization header in Rust:
use headers::Header;

fn parse_auth_header(auth_header: Option<&Header>) -> Option<String> {
    match auth_header {
        Some(header) => {
            let header_value = header.to_str().unwrap().to_string();
            let auth_parts: Vec<&str> = header_value.splitn(2, ' ').collect();
            match auth_parts[0] {
                "Bearer" => Some(auth_parts[1].to_string()),
                _ => None,
        _ => None,

// Usage:
fn main() {
    let headers = reqwest::blocking::get("")
    let auth_header = headers.get(reqwest::header::AUTHORIZATION);
    let auth_token = parse_auth_header(auth_header);
    if let Some(token) = auth_token {
        println!("Authorization token: {}", token);
    } else {
        println!("No Authorization header found");
875 chars
30 lines

This code snippet extracts the Authorization header from the headers of a GET request to "". It then parses the header and checks if it is a Bearer token. If yes, it returns the token; otherwise, it returns None. Finally, it prints the Authorization token, if it exists.

gistlibby LogSnag