bep20 contract in rust

To create a BEP20 contract in Rust, you can use the Substrate framework which provides a powerful toolset to build blockchain-based applications. Follow the steps below to create a BEP20 token.

  1. Install the Substrate development environment by following the instructions provided in this link:
  2. Create a new Substrate project using the substrate-node-new command:
substrate-node-new my-bep20-token --template simple-token
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  1. This will create a new project with the basic configuration needed to create a simple token.
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd my-bep20-token
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  1. Open the node/src/ file which contains the implementation of the BEP20 token contract.
  2. Implement the required BEP20 token functions such as total_supply(), balance_of(), transfer(), approve(), etc.
  3. Compile the project using the cargo build --release command.
  4. Once the project is successfully compiled, start the Substrate node with the following command:
./target/release/node-template --dev
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  1. Use a tool like Polkadot JS Extension to create and interact with your token.

Congratulations, you have just created a BEP20 token using Rust and the Substrate framework.

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