find the logarithm of a number in rust

To find the logarithm of a number in Rust, you can use the log function from the std::f64::consts module. The log function takes two arguments: the first argument is the number whose logarithm you want to find, and the second argument is the base of the logarithm. If you want to find the natural logarithm (base e) of a number, you can omit the second argument.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to find the logarithm of a number in Rust:
use std::f64::consts;

fn main() {
    let x = 8.0;
    let base = 2.0;
    // Find the logarithm of x with base 2
    let result = x.log(base);
    println!("The logarithm of {} with base {} is: {}", x, base, result);
    // Find the natural logarithm of x
    let result = x.ln();
    println!("The natural logarithm of {} is: {}", x, result);
358 chars
15 lines

In this example, we first define the number x and the base base we want to use for the logarithm. We then use the log function to find the logarithm of x with base. Finally, we use the ln function to find the natural logarithm of x.

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