send a message to a udp server in rust

To send a message to a UDP server in Rust, you can use the std::net::UdpSocket class.

First, you need to create a UdpSocket object:
use std::net::UdpSocket;

let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").expect("couldn't bind to address");
110 chars
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Here we are creating a UdpSocket object and binding it to the IP address and port number 34254.

Once you have a UdpSocket object, you can use the send_to() method to send a message to the server:
let message = "Hello, server!";
let server_address = "";

socket.send_to(message.as_bytes(), server_address).expect("couldn't send data");
154 chars
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Here we are sending the string "Hello, server!" as a byte array to the server at IP address and port number 34567.

If the send_to() method returns an error, we print an error message using the expect() method.

That's it! With these code blocks, you can send a message to a UDP server in Rust.

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