convert a number from base 10 to base 8 in rust

To convert a number from base 10 to base 8 in Rust, you can use the to_string_radix method provided by the u32 or u64 data types, depending on the range of the number you're working with. This method takes a radix as an argument, which is the base you want to convert to. Here's an example:
fn main() {
    let num = 58; // Number in base 10
    let base = 8; // Radix for base 8

    let num_base8 = u32::to_string_radix(&num, base); // Convert to base 8
    println!("{} in base {} is {}", num, base, num_base8);
226 chars
8 lines

This will output:
58 in base 8 is 72
19 chars
2 lines

The to_string_radix method returns a String containing the number in the desired base.

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