other swift categories
string manipulation code snippets in swift
ask edu how he is doing in swift
create a password with a custom length and uppercase letters in swift
create a password with at least one uppercase letter in swift
find all words ending in lex in a string with regex in swift
find credit card numbers in a string using regex in swift
find emojis in a string using regex in swift
find mentions in a string using regex in swift
find phone numbers in a string using regex in swift
find social security numbers in a string using regex in swift
find the extension of a csv file in swift
find the kth index of a substring in a string in swift
find the kth longest word in a string in swift
find the name of a file in swift
find the name of a json file in swift
get the first 3 characters and last 5 characters in a string then combine into a new string in swift
get the first 3 characters and last 5 in a string in swift
get the first 3 characters in a string in swift
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood in swift
i want to make regex to only take number 0 in front of the sentence in swift
number of instances of the letter e in a given string in swift
parse a url in swift
remove a character from a string in swift
replace a substring in a string in swift
use regex to find all words ending with "lex" in swift
by LogSnag