convert a number from base 2 to base 16 in swift

To convert a number from base 2 (binary) to base 16 (hexadecimal) in Swift, you can use the String initializer that takes a base and convert it to an integer, and then convert that integer to a hex string representation.

Here's an example code that shows how to convert a binary number 101011110 to hexadecimal:

let binaryString = "101011110"
let decimalValue = Int(binaryString, radix: 2)!
let hexString = String(decimalValue, radix: 16)
print(hexString) // Output: "AF"
160 chars
5 lines

In this code, we first define a binary string ("101011110") that we want to convert to hexadecimal.

We then use the Int initializer that takes two parameters: the first parameter is the string that represents the number we want to convert, and the second parameter is the base of that number (2 in our case since the number is in binary representation).

The ! is used to force unwrap the optional value returned by the Int initializer since we know that the conversion will always succeed.

We then convert the decimal value to a hex string using the String initializer that takes two parameters: the first parameter is the number we want to convert (in decimal), and the second parameter is the base of the output string (16 for hexadecimal).

Finally, we print the hexadecimal string ("AF") to the console.

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