find the root directory of a file in swift

To find the root directory of a file in Swift, you can use the URL and FileManager classes provided by Apple's Foundation framework.

Here's an example function that takes a file path as input and returns its root directory URL:

func rootDirectory(forFilePath path: String) -> URL? {
    let fileManager = FileManager.default
    // Get the URL for the file path
    let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
    // Keep moving up the file URL's parent directory until
    // we reach the root directory
    var rootURL: URL? = fileURL
    while let parentURL = rootURL?.deletingLastPathComponent(), parentURL.path != "/" {
        rootURL = parentURL
    // Check if the root URL is actually a directory and that it exists
    if let rootURL = rootURL,
       let resourceValues = try? rootURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]),
       resourceValues.isDirectory ?? false,
       fileManager.fileExists(atPath: rootURL.path) {
        return rootURL
    return nil
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Here's an example usage with a file path:

let filePath = "/Users/johndoe/Documents/myfile.txt"
if let rootURL = rootDirectory(forFilePath: filePath) {
    print(rootURL.path) // "/Users"
} else {
    print("Could not find root directory for file path '\(filePath)'")
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In this example, given a file path of "/Users/johndoe/Documents/myfile.txt", the rootDirectory function returns the URL for the "/Users" directory, which is the root directory of filepath.

gistlibby LogSnag