find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a pyramid in swift

To find the volume of a regular polygon inscribed in a pyramid, we can use the following formula:

V = (1/3) * A_base * h

where A_base is the area of the base of the pyramid and h is the height of the pyramid.

To find the area of the base of the pyramid, we can use the formula for the area of a regular polygon:

A_base = (n * s^2) / (4 * tan(pi/n))

where n is the number of sides of the polygon and s is the length of each side.

Here's the Swift code to implement these formulas:

func volumeOfRegularPolygonInscribedInPyramid(n: Int, s: Double, h: Double) -> Double {
    let areaOfBase = Double(n) * pow(s, 2.0) / (4.0 * tan(Double.pi / Double(n)))
    let volume = (1.0 / 3.0) * areaOfBase * h
    return volume
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You can call this function with the number of sides of the polygon, the length of the sides, and the height of the pyramid to get the volume of the regular polygon inscribed in the pyramid.

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