implement aho corasick in swift

To implement Aho-Corasick algorithm in Swift, we can follow these steps:

  1. Build a Trie data structure from the patterns/text that need to be searched.

  2. Add a failure function to each node such that it points to the largest possible suffix that is present in the Trie.

  3. Add a success function that points to the last node of the pattern string.

  4. Traverse the input string and follow the failure and success functions of each node in the Trie until we find the match.

Below is the Swift implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm:

class TrieNode {
    var value: Character?
    weak var parent: TrieNode?
    var children: [Character: TrieNode] = [:]
    var isTerminating = false
    var patterns: [String] = []

    var failure: TrieNode?
    var output: [String] = []

    init(value: Character?, parent: TrieNode?) {
        self.value = value
        self.parent = parent

    func add(pattern: String) {
        var currentNode = self
        for character in pattern {
            if let childNode = currentNode.children[character] {
                currentNode = childNode
            } else {
                let newNode = TrieNode(value: character, parent: currentNode)
                currentNode.children[character] = newNode
                currentNode = newNode
        currentNode.isTerminating = true

class AhoCorasick {
    var rootNode = TrieNode(value: nil, parent: nil)

    func build() {
        var nodeQueue = [rootNode]

        while !nodeQueue.isEmpty {
            let currentNode = nodeQueue.removeFirst()

            for (_, childNode) in currentNode.children {
                var parentNode = currentNode.failure

                while parentNode != nil && parentNode!.children[childNode.value!] == nil {
                    parentNode = parentNode!.failure

                childNode.failure = parentNode!.children[childNode.value!] ?? rootNode
                childNode.output = childNode.failure!.isTerminating
                    ? childNode.failure!.patterns + childNode.failure!.output
                    : childNode.failure!.output


    func search(text: String) -> [String: [Int]] {
        var currentNode = rootNode
        var result: [String: [Int]] = [:]

        for (j, character) in text.enumerated() {
            while currentNode != nil && currentNode!.children[character] == nil {
                currentNode = currentNode!.failure

            if currentNode == nil {
                currentNode = rootNode

            currentNode = currentNode!.children[character]!
            for pattern in currentNode!.output {
                if result[pattern] == nil {
                    result[pattern] = []
                result[pattern]?.append(j - pattern.count + 1)

        return result
2492 chars
84 lines

Here, the TrieNode class represents a node in the Trie, which has additional properties failure and output. The failure property represents the largest possible suffix that is present in the Trie, and the output property represents all the patterns that can be rooted at this node.

The AhoCorasick class represents the Aho-Corasick algorithm implementation, which builds Trie data structure from the patterns, adds failure and output functions to each node, and searches the input text using the Trie.

To use the above implementation, we can create a new instance of AhoCorasick, add patterns using add method, build the Trie using build method, and finally search for the patterns in the input text using search method. For example:

let ahoCorasick = AhoCorasick()
ahoCorasick.rootNode.add(pattern: "he")
ahoCorasick.rootNode.add(pattern: "she")
ahoCorasick.rootNode.add(pattern: "hers")
ahoCorasick.rootNode.add(pattern: "his")

let text = "ushers"
let result = text)

print(result) // prints ["he": [1], "she": [1], "hers": [2], "his": [2]]
356 chars
13 lines

gistlibby LogSnag