add a public method to a class in typescript

To add a public method to a class in TypeScript, you can declare a method within the class definition, with the public access modifier. Here's the basic syntax:

class MyClass {
  public myMethod() {
    // method body
63 chars
6 lines

In this example, myMethod is a public method of MyClass. It can be accessed from outside the class, and can also be called from within the class itself.

You can also specify the method's return type and parameters, if any:

class MyClass {
  public myMethod(param1: string, param2: number): boolean {
    // method body
    return true;
119 chars
7 lines

In this example, myMethod takes two parameters (a string and a number), and returns a boolean value.

Remember that TypeScript's default access modifier for class members (including methods) is public, so you can omit the public keyword if you want. However, it's good practice to include it for clarity and consistency.

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