animate an image sprite with css transform in typescript

To animate an image sprite with CSS transform in Typescript, you will need to define your CSS classes with the appropriate properties and then apply them using Typescript code.

First, create your CSS classes to define the animation. In this example, we will use a sprite sheet with three frames of a bouncing ball, and animate the ball using CSS transform:

.sprite {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background: url('ball-sprite.png') 0 0 no-repeat;

.animate {
  animation: bounce 0.6s steps(3) infinite;

@keyframes bounce {
  from { transform: translateY(0); }
  to { transform: translateY(-200px); }
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The .sprite class defines the dimensions and background image of the sprite, while the .animate class defines the animation to apply.

Next, use Typescript to create and manipulate the HTML element and apply the CSS classes:

const ball = document.createElement('div');
ball.classList.add('sprite', 'animate');
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In this example, we create a new div element, add the sprite and animate classes to it, and append it to the body element. The animate class will apply the animation to the sprite background image.

You can also use Typescript to toggle the animation on and off, or change the animation duration, steps, or transform properties:

ball.classList.toggle('animate'); = '1s'; = 'ease-in-out'; = 'infinite'; = 'alternate';
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In this example, we toggle the animate class on and off to start and stop the animation. We also change the animation duration to one second, set the timing function to ease-in-out, set the iteration count to infinite, and set the direction to alternate.

With these techniques, you can easily animate image sprites with CSS transform in Typescript.

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