create a udp client on a specific port in typescript

To create a UDP client on a specific port in TypeScript, you can use the built-in dgram module in Node.js. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a UDP client that listens on port 1234:

import dgram from 'dgram';

const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); // create a UDP IPv4 socket

client.on('error', (err) => {
  console.log(`UDP client error:\n${err.stack}`);

client.on('message', (msg, info) => {
  console.log(`UDP client received message: ${msg.toString()} from ${info.address}:${info.port}`);

client.bind(1234, () => {
  console.log(`UDP client listening on ${client.address().address}:${client.address().port}`);

// send a message to a UDP server
const message = Buffer.from('Hello UDP server!');
const serverPort = 5678;
const serverAddress = ''; // replace with your server address
client.send(message, serverPort, serverAddress, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.log(`UDP client error: ${err}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`UDP client sent message to ${serverAddress}:${serverPort}`);
865 chars
29 lines

In this example, we create a UDP IPv4 socket using dgram.createSocket('udp4') method. Then, we define a listener for error and message events, which are emitted by the socket when an error occurs or a message is received, respectively.

We bind the socket to port 1234 using the bind() method. Note that we use an anonymous function as the callback for the bind() method, which prints out the IP address and port number that the socket is listening on.

Finally, we send a message to a UDP server using the send() method, which takes a Buffer object representing the message, the server port number, and the server address as arguments. We use an anonymous function as the callback for send() method, which prints out whether the message was successfully sent or not.

Note that you can replace the values for serverPort and serverAddress with your server's IP address and port number.

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