create a buffered channel in go

To create a buffered channel in Go, we need to specify the capacity of the channel while declaring it. The capacity is the number of elements that the channel can hold before blocking the sender goroutine.

Here is how you can create a buffered channel with a capacity of 10:

myChannel := make(chan int, 10)
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2 lines

In the above code, make function is used to create the channel with a capacity of 10. The element type of the channel is int, but you can replace it with any other type that suits your needs.

Once the channel is created, you can use it to send and receive values just like an unbuffered channel. However, if the channel is full, sending a value will block the sender goroutine until there is space available in the channel. Similarly, if the channel is empty, receiving a value will block the receiver goroutine until a value is available in the channel.

Buffered channels can be useful in scenarios where the sender and receiver are running at different speeds. For example, if the sender is producing values faster than the receiver can consume them, a buffered channel can be used to store the extra values until the receiver is ready to consume them.

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