create a buffered string channel in go

To create a buffered string channel in Go, we can use the built-in function make to create a channel with a specified buffer size. We also need to specify the type of the channel, which in this case is chan string. Here is an example:

bufferSize := 10
stringChannel := make(chan string, bufferSize)
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In the example above, we create a string channel with a buffer size of 10. This means that the channel can hold up to 10 string values at a time, and any additional values sent to the channel will block until there is space available in the buffer.

We can then use this channel for communication between goroutines, sending and receiving string values as needed:

// Send a string value to the channel
stringChannel <- "hello"

// Receive a string value from the channel
message := <-stringChannel
134 chars
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gistlibby LogSnag