create a map with a key of type pointer in go

To create a map with a key of type pointer, you first need to define a custom type for the pointer you want to use as the key. Then, you can create the map using the custom type as the key type.

Here's an example:

type MyPointer *int

myMap := make(map[MyPointer]string)

// Create a pointer and use it as a key in the map
var myPointer MyPointer = new(int)
myMap[myPointer] = "Hello World"

// Access the value using the pointer key
fmt.Println(myMap[myPointer]) // Output: Hello World
273 chars
11 lines

In this example, we defined a custom type MyPointer that is a pointer to an integer. We then created a map with MyPointer as the key type using the make function. Finally, we created a pointer to an integer, used it as a key in the map, and accessed the value using the key.

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