create a map with a value of type complex in go

You can create a map with a value of type complex in Go by declaring a map with complex128 as its value type. Here's an example:

// Declare a map with a value of type complex128
var m map[string]complex128

// Initialize the map
m = make(map[string]complex128)

// Set values in the map
m["foo"] = complex(10, 2)
m["bar"] = complex(-3, 4)

// Access values in the map
fmt.Println(m["foo"]) // Output: (10+2i)
fmt.Println(m["bar"]) // Output: (-3+4i)
321 chars
14 lines

In the example above, we declare a map m with the key's type as string, and the value's type as complex128. We then initialize the map using the make function. Finally, we set and access values in the map using the square bracket syntax.

Note that it's also possible to use the shorthand declaration syntax to create a map:

m := make(map[string]complex128)
33 chars
2 lines

This shorthand syntax is equivalent to the longer syntax we used in the first example.

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