create a struct with a field of type complex in go

To create a struct with a field of type complex in Go, you can define the struct type and then include the complex field in the struct. Here's an example:

type MyStruct struct {
    Name    string
    Complex complex128
67 chars
5 lines

In this example, MyStruct is a struct type that has a Name field of type string and a Complex field of type complex128. You can then create new instances of MyStruct and set the Complex field to a complex number:

// create a new MyStruct
s := MyStruct{Name: "example"}

// set the Complex field to a complex number
s.Complex = complex(1, 2)
128 chars
6 lines

Here, we create a new instance of MyStruct named s and set its Name field to "example". We then set the Complex field using the complex function to create a complex number with a real part of 1 and an imaginary part of 2.

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