create a struct with multiple fields in go

In Go, you can create a struct with multiple fields by defining a new type using the type keyword, and specifying each field using its name and data type.

Here's an example of how to create a struct with two fields, name and age:

type Person struct {
    name string
    age int
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In this example, we've created a new type Person, which has two fields: name of type string, and age of type int.

To create a new Person object and initialize its fields, you can simply use the Person{} syntax and provide values for each field:

p := Person{name: "John", age: 30}
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This will create a new Person object p with the name field equal to "John" and the age field equal to 30.

You can access the fields of a struct using the dot (.) operator:

fmt.Println( // Output: John
fmt.Println(p.age) // Output: 30
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I hope this helps you create your own structs with multiple fields in Go!

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