find the mode of all nodes in a linked list in go

To find the mode (most frequent element) of all nodes in a linked list, we can use a map to keep track of the frequency of each element in the list. We can iterate through the list, incrementing the frequency of each element in the map. Finally, we can iterate through the map to find the element with the highest frequency.

Here's the Go code to find the mode of all nodes in a linked list:

type Node struct {
    data int
    next *Node

func findMode(head *Node) int {
    freqMap := make(map[int]int)
    maxFreq := 0
    mode := 0

    // Iterate through the list, incrementing the frequency of each element in the map
    for curr := head; curr != nil; curr = {
        if freqMap[] > maxFreq {
            maxFreq = freqMap[]
            mode =

    return mode
464 chars
22 lines

We define a Node struct to represent each node in the linked list, with an int data field and a pointer to the next node.

The findMode function takes a pointer to the head node of the linked list as its only argument, and returns the mode value as an int.

Inside the function, we create an empty map freqMap to keep track of the frequency of each element in the list, and initialize maxFreq and mode to 0.

We then iterate through the linked list using a for loop, with a curr pointer initialized to the head of the list. We increment the frequency of the current element in the freqMap using the syntax freqMap[]++.

If the frequency of the current element is greater than maxFreq, we update maxFreq and mode to the current element's value.

Finally, we return mode, which is the value of the element with the highest frequency in the list.

gistlibby LogSnag