find the square root of a number in go

To find the square root of a number in Go, you can use the math.Sqrt function from the standard math library. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use math.Sqrt to compute the square root of a number:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var x float64 = 64
    var y float64 = math.Sqrt(x)
    fmt.Printf("The square root of %.2f is %.2f", x, y)
175 chars
13 lines

In this example, we first import the "fmt" and "math" packages. We then declare a variable "x" with a value of 64, which is the number that we want to find the square root of. We then compute the square root of "x" using the math.Sqrt function and store the result in a variable "y". Finally, we use the fmt.Printf function to print out the original number and its square root with two decimal places. The output of this program would be:

The square root of 64.00 is 8.00
33 chars
2 lines

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