find the standard deviation of a list of numbers in go

To find the standard deviation of a list of numbers in Go, we need to use the math and statistics packages which provide the necessary functions. Here's an example:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // generate a list of 10 random numbers for testing purposes
    var nums []float64
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        nums = append(nums, rand.NormFloat64())

    // standard deviation using math package
    fmt.Printf("Standard deviation using math package: %.2f\n", math.Sqrt(stats.Variance(nums)))

    // standard deviation using statistics package
    fmt.Printf("Standard deviation using statistics package: %.2f\n", stats.StdDev(nums))
583 chars
24 lines

In this example, we use the math package to find the variance of the list of numbers using the stats.Variance() function provided by the package. We then take the square root of the variance to find the standard deviation.

Alternatively, we can use the stats.StdDev() function provided by the same package to directly find the standard deviation. The stats package also offers other statistical functions such as mean and median.

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