move a directory in go

You can move a directory in Go by using the os.Rename() function which can be used to rename or move a file or directory in the file system.

The os.Rename() function takes two arguments, the current path of the file/directory and the new path of the file/directory. Here is an example usage to move a directory:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // current path of directory to be moved
    currentPath := "/path/to/current/directory"
    // new path for directory
    newPath := "/path/to/new/directory"
    // Rename function will move the directory to new path and also rename it if needed
    err := os.Rename(currentPath, newPath)
    if err != nil {
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Note that when moving a directory, the new path must not exist already. If it does, an error will be returned.

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