round a number to the nearest ten thousandth in go

To round a number to the nearest ten thousandth in Go, we can use the Round() function from the decimal package, which provides arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic. Here's an example:

import (

func main() {
    num := decimal.NewFromFloat(1234.56789)
    rounded := num.Round(4)
    fmt.Println(rounded) // Output: 1234.5679
192 chars
11 lines

In this example, we first create a decimal.Decimal type using NewFromFloat() with the input number 1234.56789. Then, we call the Round() function on this decimal type with 4 as the argument, which means we want to round to the nearest ten thousandth. Finally, we print out the rounded value using fmt.Println().

The output will be 1234.5679, rounded to the nearest ten thousandth.

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