take the cotangent of a number in go

To take the cotangent of a number in Go, you need to use the math package's Trigonometric functions. Here is an example code block to take the cotangent of an angle in radians:

package main

import (

func main() {
	angle := 45.0 // in degrees
	radian := angle * (math.Pi / 180.0)
	cot := math.Cos(radian) / math.Sin(radian)
	fmt.Printf("Cot(%v) = %v", angle, cot)
209 chars
15 lines


Cot(45) = 1
12 chars
2 lines

In this example, we convert the angle from degrees to radians by multiplying it with the constant Pi/180. Then we use the math.Cos() and math.Sin() functions to calculate the cosine and sine of the angle in radians. Finally, we calculate the cotangent by dividing cosine by sine.

It is important to note that trigonometric functions in Go work with radians and not degrees. Therefore we need to convert angle from degrees to radians.

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