create prt files for fmri data given a struct. in matlab

To create .prt files for fMRI data in MATLAB, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a struct that contains the necessary information for your experimental design, such as the onsets, durations, and condition labels.
% Example struct
experiment.onsets = [1, 6, 11]; % Sample onsets
experiment.durations = [5, 5, 5]; % Sample durations
experiment.conditions = {'ConditionA', 'ConditionB', 'ConditionC'}; % Condition labels
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  1. Write a function to generate the .prt file based on the struct information.
function createPRTFile(experiment, filename)
    fid = fopen(filename, 'w');
    % Write headers
    fprintf(fid, 'FileVersion:\t1\n\n');
    fprintf(fid, 'ResolutionOfTime:\tVolumes\n\n');
    fprintf(fid, 'Experiment:\t%s\n\n', filename);
    % Write condition information
    for i = 1:numel(experiment.conditions)
        fprintf(fid, 'Name:\t%s\n', experiment.conditions{i});
        fprintf(fid, 'Color:\t%f %f %f\n', rand(1,3));
        fprintf(fid, 'Onsets:\t%s\n', num2str(experiment.onsets(i)));
        fprintf(fid, 'Durations:\t%s\n\n', num2str(experiment.durations(i)));
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  1. Call the function with your struct and desired filename to create the .prt file.
createPRTFile(experiment, 'example.prt');
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This will generate a .prt file with the experimental design information specified in the struct.

Remember to adjust the struct and function according to your specific experimental design requirements.

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