a* pathfinding implementation in swift

Here's a basic implementation of A* pathfinding in Swift, assuming you have a graph defined as an array of nodes that have connections to other nodes:

func aStar(start: Node, goal: Node) -> [Node] {
    var openList = [start]
    var closedList = [Node]()
    // dictionary to store the Gscore of each node
    var gScore = [start: 0]
    // dictionary to store the Fscore of each node
    var fScore = [start: heuristic(start, goal)]
    // dictionary to store the parent of each node
    var parent = [Node: Node]()
    while !openList.isEmpty {
        // sort openList by ascending Fscore
        openList.sort { fScore[$0]! < fScore[$1]! }
        let current = openList.removeFirst()
        // reached goal node
        if current == goal {
            return reconstructPath(parent, goal)
        // loop through each neighbor of current node
        for neighbor in current.neighbors {
            // exclude nodes in the closedList
            if closedList.contains(neighbor) {
            // calculate tentative Gscore
            let tentativeGscore = gScore[current]! + current.distances[neighbor]!
            // add neighbor node to openList if it's not already there
            if !openList.contains(neighbor) {
            // if the tentative Gscore is worse than existing, skip to next neighbor
            if tentativeGscore > (gScore[neighbor] ?? Int.max) {
            // this path is the best until now, record it!
            parent[neighbor] = current
            gScore[neighbor] = tentativeGscore
            fScore[neighbor] = tentativeGscore + heuristic(neighbor, goal)
    // no valid path found
    return []

// helper function to reconstruct path from start to goal node
func reconstructPath(_ parent: [Node: Node], _ current: Node) -> [Node] {
    var path = [current]
    var backtrackNode = current
    while parent.keys.contains(backtrackNode) {
        backtrackNode = parent[backtrackNode]!
    return path.reversed()

// heuristic function to estimate distance between two nodes
func heuristic(_ a: Node, _ b: Node) -> Int {
    return abs(a.x - b.x) + abs(a.y - b.y)
2314 chars
74 lines

This implementation uses the Manhattan distance heuristic to estimate the distance between two nodes. You can replace the heuristic function with a different heuristic if desired. Note that this implementation uses dictionaries to store Gscores, Fscores, and parent nodes for each node. This helps make the algorithm more efficient when dealing with large graphs.

gistlibby LogSnag