connect to a strapi server with a token in swift

To connect to a Strapi server with a token in Swift, you can use the HTTP Authorization header with the token value. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a connection to a Strapi server with a token:

func connectToStrapi(token: String) {
    let url = URL(string: "")!
    var request = URLRequest(url: url)
    request.setValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
        guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, error == nil else {
            print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")
        guard (200...299).contains(response.statusCode) else {
            print("Bad status code: \(response.statusCode)")
        guard let data = data else {
            print("No data received")
        // Handle received data
        print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "Received data is not a string")
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26 lines

In the above code, we're creating a URLRequest object and setting the authorization header with the token value using the setValue(_:forHTTPHeaderField:) method. We then create a URLSession object and make a data task for the request. In the completion handler, we're checking for errors, response status code, and received data.

This code should work if you have a valid token and the server allows it.

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