write me a hash table implementation in swift

To implement a hash table in Swift, you can create a class that uses an array to store the data and a hash function to map keys to array indices. Here's an example implementation:

class HashTable<Key: Hashable, Value> {
    private var storage: [[(Key, Value)]]  // Array of key-value pairs
    init() {
        storage = Array(repeating: [], count: 100) // Initialize storage with empty arrays
    private func getIndex(key: Key) -> Int {
        return abs(key.hashValue % storage.count) // Hash function: using modulo to get array index
    func setValue(key: Key, value: Value) {
        let index = getIndex(key: key)
        // Iterate through the existing array to check if the key already exists
        for (i, element) in storage[index].enumerated() {
            if element.0 == key { // Key found, update the value
                storage[index][i].1 = value
        // Key not found, append a new key-value pair
        storage[index].append((key, value))
    func getValue(key: Key) -> Value? {
        let index = getIndex(key: key)
        // Iterate through the existing array to find the value associated with the given key
        for element in storage[index] {
            if element.0 == key {
                return element.1 // Key found, return the value
        return nil // Key not found
1289 chars
40 lines

You can use the setValue method to insert a key-value pair into the hash table, and the getValue method to retrieve the value associated with a given key.

Here's an example usage:

let hashTable = HashTable<String, Int>()
hashTable.setValue(key: "apple", value: 1)
hashTable.setValue(key: "banana", value: 2)
hashTable.setValue(key: "cherry", value: 3)

print(hashTable.getValue(key: "banana")) // Output: Optional(2)
237 chars
7 lines

This implementation uses separate chaining to handle collisions (i.e., when multiple keys map to the same array index) by appending key-value pairs to the array at the corresponding index.

gistlibby LogSnag