find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a sphere in go

To find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a sphere, we need to know the radius of the sphere and the number of edges of the polygon. We can use the formula:

surfaceArea := 4 * math.Pi * math.Pow(radius, 2) * (float64(numEdges) / math.Pi)
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Here, math.Pi represents the mathematical constant π, radius is the radius of the sphere, and numEdges is the number of edges of the polygon.

Below is a complete example illustrating the use of the formula to calculate the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a sphere:

package main

import (

func main() {
	radius := 3.0
	numEdges := 6 // Regular hexagon

	// Calculate the surface area of the regular polygon
	surfaceArea := 4 * math.Pi * math.Pow(radius, 2) * (float64(numEdges) / math.Pi)

	fmt.Printf("Surface area of the regular polygon: %f\n", surfaceArea)
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In this example, we have taken the radius of the sphere as 3 and the number of edges of the regular polygon as 6 (a regular hexagon). The code outputs the calculated surface area of the regular polygon, which is approximately 279.923583.

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