find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a sphere in go

To find the surface area of a regular polygon inscribed in a sphere, we can use the formula:

Surface Area = Number of Sides * Side Length * Apothem / 2

where Number of Sides is the total number of sides of the polygon, Side Length is the length of each side, and Apothem is the distance from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of each side.

To calculate Apothem, we can use the formula:

Apothem = Radius * Cos(π/Number of Sides)

where Radius is the radius of the sphere.

Here's the implementation of the above formula in Go:

package main

import (

func main() {
    radius := 5.0       // radius of the sphere
    numSides := 6       // number of sides of the polygon
    sideLength := 2.0   // length of each side of the polygon

    apothem := radius * math.Cos(math.Pi/float64(numSides))

    // Calculate the surface area
    surfaceArea := float64(numSides) * sideLength * apothem / 2.0

    fmt.Printf("Surface Area of the Regular Polygon inscribed in Sphere: %f\n", surfaceArea)
487 chars
20 lines

In the above implementation, we have used the math package to perform the required mathematical calculations. This code will output the surface area of the regular polygon inscribed in a sphere when run.

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