add shimmer to uiview in swift

To add shimmer effect to a UIView in Swift, you can use the FBShimmering library created by Facebook. Follow the steps below to achieve this:

  1. Add FBShimmering as a dependency in your project by adding the following line to your Podfile:

    pod 'FBShimmering', '~> 0.3'
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  2. Run pod install in the terminal to install the library.

  3. Import the library in your file where you want to add the shimmer effect:

    import FBShimmering
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  4. Create a UIView instance and add your content/elements to it like any regular view.

  5. Create a FBShimmeringView instance and add the content view to it:

    let shimmerView = FBShimmeringView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 200))
    let contentView = UIView(frame: shimmerView.bounds)
    // add your content to the contentView
    // ...
    shimmerView.contentView = contentView
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  6. Set shimmeringSpeed, shimmeringPauseDuration and shimmeringAnimationOpacity to modify the shimmering parameters:

    shimmerView.shimmeringSpeed = 100
    shimmerView.shimmeringPauseDuration = 0.5
    shimmerView.shimmeringAnimationOpacity = 0.5
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  7. Add the shimmerView to your view hierarchy:

    view.addSubview(shimmerView) =
    shimmerView.isShimmering = true
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This will add the shimmer effect to your view. You can further customize the effect by adjusting the parameters or by using FBShimmeringLayer directly.

gistlibby LogSnag