ios code snippets in swift

3-color view that matches netherlands flag in swift
3-color view with the colors of the netherlands flag in swift
a function that creates an alert message with custom buttons and text. in swift
a view that iterates a list with images and animations in swift
add a button that submits in swift
add a private method to a class in swift
add a setter to a class in swift
add new constraints in swift
add shimmer to uiview in swift
adjust the textview when the keyboard will show in swift
an email validation field in swift
api call in swift
app extension can access the containing app images/assets/resource data in swift
avatar view in swift
best practice for complex layout view spacing in swift
binding swiftui in swift
capture image in swift in swift
ceate a spring effect in swift
change the labelstyle of a button in swift
circle progress in swift
connect to a strapi server in swift
convert a uiimage to bitmap in swift
copy string to clipboard in swift
core data crud in swift
crash app in swift
create 10 red views in swift
create 2 labels with one expan in swift
create 5 boxes of rainbow colors in swift
create a bluetooth connection in swift
create a box that if tapped it plays a sound, double press it to display a volume slider to change its volume, use swiftui in swift
create a chart with 2 parameter in swift
create a collection view in swift
create a collection view with pages in swift
create a custom dialog with a cancel button in swift
create a custom uicollectionview cell with an uiimageview and a uibutton in swift
create a custom view dialog with one cancel button in swift
create a custom workout timer in swift in swift
create a file in swift
create a firebase signup process using authentication in swift
create a form in swift in swift
create a form using a tableview in swift
create a function that inverts rgb color to uicolor in swift
create a gradient in swift
create a green button that says “click me!” in swift
create a grey button with the text "press here" which jumps when you press it in swift
create a grey button, if you press the button show fireworks in swift
create a label and add it to the viewcontroller in swift
create a login page in swift
create a login with facebook service layer in swift
create a map search function in swift
create a model in swift
create a network in swift
create a new message view in swift
create a note taking app using swiftui and userdefaults in swift
create a notification in swift
create a paged collection view in swift
create a password in swift
create a password with uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers in swift
create a picker that saves the selection to a new variable in swift
create a searchviewcontroller in swift
create a sphere on top of a cube in swift
create a stackview with two labels in swift
create a state machine in swift
create a table in swiftui in swift
create a table view with a header in swift
create a table view with custom cells in swift
create a tableview displaying the flags of countries in eu as emojis in swift
create a tableview with 10 items in swift
create a textfield which only take number in it in swift
create a textview inside scrollview in swift
create a todo list using snapkit in swift
create a tri-colour view with the colours of the french flag in swift
create a two-colour view with the colours of the turkish flag in swift
create a view in swift
create a view and constraints programatically in swift
create a view and make its background colour red in swift
create a view controller with a full screen scroll view and a stack view filling the scroll view in swift
create a view model for signing up a user to firebase in a social media application in swift
create a view which contains a view that fill the entire view in swift
create a view which is 50 by 50 in size with a green background in swift
create a view with a flower to breath in and out like the apple watch does in swift
create a view with a gauge that changes background colour from light blue to dark blue in swift
create a view with a red background of size 100 by 100 in swift
create a white background which gradients to light blue in one corner and to light purple in another corner in swift
create an app that displays content from a wordpress blog in swift
create an app to retrieve a list of locations and display on a map in swift
create an auto complete textfield in swift
create an input field in swift in swift
create custom collection view layout in swift
create custom collectionview cell in swift
create custom environmentvalues in swift
create custom label with two lines and truncating tail in swift
create horizontal swipe gesture in swift
create label in swift
create million dollar app in swift
create replacement for carrier in status bar with date in swift
create table view in swift
create two labels side by side with adjustable width in swift
create uilabel in swift
create uipresentation contoller in swift
create uitableview in swift
create wkwebview in swift
date from string ios 15 in swift
decode date in swift
define a uiview and set its size and position as well as its background colour to red in swift
dependency injection in swift
dismiss a navigation controller in swift
download an image in swift
draw line in swift
extract average colour from image in swift
fetch data in swift
fill form in webview in swift
find the current date in swift
find the name of a directory in swift
format a date with the new ios 15 api in swift
format date ios 15 in swift
generate a banner notification in swift
generate a banner notification with a string body in swift
get keyboard height in swift
get stocks price from api in swift
get website image and description from url in swift
given an array create an auto complete textfield in swift
go to view in swift
hello world in swift
how do i record record video with avassetwriter in swift
how to center a view in swift
how to create a draft manager in swift
how to create a view model in swift
how to create an nfc mobile wallet in swift
how to fix stage manager in swift
how to get bearer token from firebase on ios in swift
how to give function in didselectrowat in swift
how to implant cookie login in swift
how to save and retrive cbperipheral in coredata and in swift
how to save cbperipheral in coredata in swift
how to set badge count in swift
how to setup a operation queue that downloads images asynchronously in swift
inject viewmodel in uiviewcontroller in swift
inject viewmodel in uiviewcontroller using swinject in swift
login in swift in swift
make a chess game in swift
make a get request with alamofire in swift
make a table view in swift
make http get request in swift
million dollar app in swift
move a directory in swift
netherlands flag view in swift
open a new view in swift
open settings in swift
open website in swiftui in swift
open website swiftui in swift
padding swiftui in swift
padding top in swift
pkcanvasview inside scrollview in swift
play the game twenty questions in swift
present controller in swift
purchase in store kit in swift
quit in swift
quit an app in swift
reference class without having to pass down to every child swiftui in swift
remove existing record from coredata in swift
restrict paste in textfield in swift
save a uiimage that takes parameter data to userdafult in swift
save array of uiimage that takes parameter data to userdefault in swift
save data image in array in swift
schedule a notification in swift
scrollview paging in swift
search for a place and return the latitude and longitude in swift
set main window in swift
setup crashlytics in swift
show image from url in swift
show me an example of mvvm in swift
show website in swift
sign in manager in swift
swiftui animation spinner in swift
swiftui circular image in swift
swiftui game in swift
swiftui list in swift
swiftui view with vstack in swift
tableviewcontrolelr with models in swift
tableviewcontrolelr with models and designated cells in swift
tile an image in swift
unselected item in swift
use keychainstored in swift
webrtc stream in swiftui in swift
what are biggest navifation problems with navigationlink in swift
write a function that causes the phone to vibrate immediately in swift
write a string to the keychain in swift
write remote code injection in swift
write string to switft ui in swift
wyswig editor in swift

gistlibby LogSnag