arrays code snippets in swift

a trail is an array of coordinates. determine the shortest path along some trails to a goal in swift
add an element to the beginning of an array in swift
add an element to the end of an array in swift
add same item multiple times to list in swift
append array in swift
array to string in swift
cast an integer array to swift array in swift
convert array to json in swift
convert list of list to list in swift
count unique characters in a string in swift
create a tuple with the mapped name and surname of an array of user in swift
create foreach in swift
filter all elements of multi-dimensional array, conditionally in swift
filter out nil values in an array of optional int in swift
filter the not selected array in swift in swift
find sum of multiple array elements in swift
find the first element in an array in swift
find the index of an element in an array in swift
find the kth largest number in a list in swift
find the kth least common element in an array in swift
find the kth least frequent element in an array in swift
find the kth longest word in a string in swift
find the kth most frequent element in an array in swift
find the kth smallest number in a list in swift
find the last element in an array in swift
find the median from an array of doubles in swift
find the median of a list of numbers in swift
find the median of all elements in an array in swift
find the median of all keys in a map in swift
find the smallest element in an array in swift
find the smallest number in n array in swift
find the standard deviation of all elements in an array in swift
find the variance of all elements in an array in swift
fix an index out of bound exception in swift
flatten nested arrays in swift
get a random element from an array in swift
get a sample of 5 elements from an array with replacement in swift
get a sample of 5 elements from an array without replacement in swift
get second element in array in swift
how to compare an element of array with all other elements in swift
how to get all combinations of a set in swift
how to get all permutations of a set in swift
how to get all proper subsets of a set in swift
how to get the union of two sets in swift
how to join array in swift
list a array in swift
loop through array of numbers from 0 to 10 and add every second number in swift
matrix addition in swift
reduce array number that contain 10 numbers to only 2 numbers in swift
reduce array to tuple in swift
remove an element from an array at a specific index in swift
remove an element from the beginning of an array in swift
remove an element from the end of an array in swift
reverse an array in swift
roll a die 20 times and print any adjacent repeated rolls in parentheses in swift
roll dice 10 times and print each result with its sum in swift
save array uiimage that has a type data to user default in swift
save data image in array in swift
select a random element from an array in swift
shuffle an array in swift
sort a list of people by name in swift
sort an array in swift
source code of the standard array type in swift
split a string into an array of substrings in swift
split array into string in swift
stothers matrix multiplication in swift

gistlibby LogSnag