define a struct that conforms to collection in swift

To define a struct that conforms to the Collection protocol in Swift, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Define a struct that has a generic type parameter, which represents the type of values that will be stored in the collection.
struct MyCollection<T>: Collection {
   // implementation goes here
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  1. Make the struct conform to the Collection protocol by implementing the following required properties:
// Define the index type for the collection
typealias Index = Int

// Define the start index of the collection
var startIndex: Index { get }

// Define the end index of the collection
var endIndex: Index { get }

// Return the element at the given index
subscript(position: Index) -> T { get }
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  1. Optionally implement other methods and properties required by the Collection protocol. For example, we can implement the index(after:) method that returns the index immediately after the given index.
// Returns the index immediately after the given index
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
    return i + 1
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Here's an example implementation of a custom collection struct that conforms to the Collection protocol:

struct MyCollection<T>: Collection {
    var items: [T]

    var startIndex: Int {
        return items.startIndex

    var endIndex: Int {
        return items.endIndex

    func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
        return items.index(after: i)

    subscript(position: Int) -> T {
        return items[position]
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With this implementation, we can use all the methods and properties available on collections in Swift, such as iterating using a for-in loop, getting the count of elements, accessing elements by index, and more.

gistlibby LogSnag