implement a aho corasick graph in swift

To implement an Aho-Corasick graph in Swift, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define a Trie (prefix tree) data structure to store the search strings.
class TrieNode {
    var value: Character?
    weak var parent: TrieNode?
    var children: [Character: TrieNode] = [:]
    var isTerminating = false
    var pattern: String?
    init(value: Character?, parent: TrieNode?) {
        self.value = value
        self.parent = parent
    func add(child: Character) {
        guard children[child] == nil else { return }
        children[child] = TrieNode(value: child, parent: self)
453 chars
18 lines
  1. Implement the Aho-Corasick algorithm.
class AhoCorasick {
    private let root = TrieNode(value: nil, parent: nil) // create root node
    private var failureLinks = [TrieNode]()
    func add(pattern: String) {
        guard !pattern.isEmpty else { return }
        var currentNode = root
        // Add nodes to the Trie
        for character in pattern {
            if let childNode = currentNode.children[character] {
                currentNode = childNode
            } else {
                currentNode.add(child: character)
                currentNode = currentNode.children[character]!
        currentNode.isTerminating = true
        currentNode.pattern = pattern
    func buildFailures() {
        failureLinks = [TrieNode?](repeating: nil, count: root.children.count)
        var queue = [TrieNode]()
        // Initialize queue with children of the root
        for child in root.children.values {
        // Compute failure links
        while !queue.isEmpty {
            let node = queue.removeFirst()
            for child in node.children.values {
                var failure = node.parent
                while failure?.children[node.value!] == nil, failure !== root {
                    failure = failure?.failure
                if let f = failure?.children[node.value!], f !== node {
                    child.failure = f
                } else {
                    child.failure = root
    func search(text: String) -> Set<String> {
        var currentNode = root
        var setOfMatches = Set<String>()
        var i = 0
        let characters = Array(text)
        while i < characters.count {
            let character = characters[i]
            while currentNode.children[character] == nil, currentNode !== root {
                currentNode = currentNode.failure!
            if let child = currentNode.children[character] {
                currentNode = child
            var node = currentNode
            while node !== root {
                if node.isTerminating {
                    if let pattern = node.pattern {
                node = node.failure!
            i += 1
        return setOfMatches
2711 chars
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  1. Use the Aho-Corasick graph to search for patterns in a text.
let ahoCorasick = AhoCorasick()

ahoCorasick.add(pattern: "he")
ahoCorasick.add(pattern: "she")
ahoCorasick.add(pattern: "his")
ahoCorasick.add(pattern: "hers")


let text = "ushers"
let matches = text)
print(matches) // Output: ["hers", "he"]
297 chars
13 lines

The output shows that the Aho-Corasick algorithm was able to find two matches in the input text ("hers" and "he") that exist in the stored patterns.

gistlibby LogSnag