sfml projectile effect in csharp

To create a simple projectile effect in SFML using C#, you can use a combination of SFML's Graphics module and some basic object-oriented programming.

Here is an example code snippet:

using SFML.System;
using SFML.Graphics;

class Projectile
    private CircleShape shape;
    private Vector2f velocity;

    public Projectile(Vector2f startPosition, Vector2f targetPosition, float speed, float radius, Color color)
        shape = new CircleShape(radius);
        shape.Position = startPosition;
        shape.FillColor = color;

        Vector2f direction = targetPosition - startPosition;
        float distance = MathF.Sqrt(direction.X * direction.X + direction.Y * direction.Y);

        velocity = speed * (direction / distance);

    public bool Update(float elapsedTime, RenderWindow window)
        shape.Position += velocity * elapsedTime;

        if (shape.Position.X < 0 || shape.Position.X > window.Size.X || shape.Position.Y < 0 || shape.Position.Y > window.Size.Y)
            return true;


        return false;
922 chars
35 lines

To use this code, create a RenderWindow object and call the Update method of the Projectile class in a loop until it returns true. This will move the projectile towards the target position and draw it on the screen. When the projectile goes off-screen, the Update method will return true, indicating that the projectile should be destroyed or removed from the game.

Here is an example of how to use this code:

using SFML.Window;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Game
    private RenderWindow window;
    private List<Projectile> projectiles;

    public Game(uint width, uint height)
        window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(width, height), "Game");
        projectiles = new List<Projectile>();

    public void Run()
        while (window.IsOpen)

            // Create a new projectile when the mouse is clicked
            if (Mouse.IsButtonPressed(Mouse.Button.Left))
                Vector2f startPosition = new Vector2f(window.Size.X / 2, window.Size.Y);
                Vector2f targetPosition = new Vector2f(Mouse.GetPosition(window).X, Mouse.GetPosition(window).Y);
                Projectile projectile = new Projectile(startPosition, targetPosition, 500.0f, 10.0f, Color.Red);

            // Update and draw all projectiles
            for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.Count; i++)
                if (projectiles[i].Update(window.GetElapsedTime().AsSeconds(), window))


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Game game = new Game(800, 600);
1411 chars
52 lines

This code creates a window and listens for mouse clicks. When the mouse is clicked, a new projectile is created with a start position at the bottom center of the window and a target position at the mouse position. The projectile is then added to a list of projectiles to be updated and drawn in the game loop. The game loop updates and draws all projectiles using the Update method of the Projectile class. When a projectile goes off-screen, it is removed from the list.

gistlibby LogSnag